Apostle's Profile


He is a proven preacher and teacher of God’s word and his ministry is exceptional as evidenced by the results of what he does. Remarkably, his fame is overshadowed by his humility and his ability to interact with anybody who gets closer to him. Born on 24th February, 1974, Pastor Joseph Yorum Ziba has risen from a humble background to become the most sought after preacher of the gospel in Malawi and beyond.
Apostle Joseph Ziba

Well known for preaching the word of God with results in people’s lives, Pastor Ziba is an epitome of a genuine calling from God to bring light to those who are in darkness. His emergence has proved to be the answer to millions, no wonder Fountain of victory international ministries continues to bring revival to many.

Right from the time he was about to be born, it’s easy to notice that his life is divinely ordered and he agrees as he narrates his amazing story. 

‘’ Since I was born, my life has been characterized by divine interventions and the demonstration of God’s love. In fact, it all started when I was about to be born when I escaped death in my mother’s womb. When my mother went to the hospital to give birth, she encountered a situation which turned out to be my testimony,’’ he said. After taking a pause for a little while and composing himself, he continued to recount the story. ‘’While my mother was asleep in the middle of the night, she was slapped on the cheek and she woke up wondering who had slapped her. When she was still awake, she saw a nurse sneaking into the ward and she gave drugs to her and two other pregnant women who were close to her. The other women took the drugs but my mother kept the drugs since she was still questioning who had slapped her and why the nurse walked into the room in such a manner. Later on, it was discovered that the two women took wrong drugs and they were rushed to the theater where doctors concluded that they could no longer give birth,’’ He explained.

Typical of his predestined life, Pastor Ziba had another amazing experience in 1992 which led him to give his life to Jesus. This is a moment he fondly remembers.

‘’I was alone at home and I picked a small book which I wanted to study. However, before I started reading the book, I was interested with the title which read ‘’what is a true Christian’’ but in my view, it was supposed to read ‘’who is a true Christian’’. While I was still contemplating on the matter, I heard an audible voice from God and he asked me that if you die today, where do you think you will go,’’ he explained.

‘’When I heard these words, I was touched and I went straight into the bedroom where I knelt down and asked God to forgive me which he did. I gave my life to Jesus without a preacher and God himself was the only preacher,’’ said Ziba.

That moment marked the beginning of an adventure in his divine assignment and the climax came in 1996 when God pressed on him to start a ministry despite that he had never preached before.

‘’ When I finished my secondary education at Chichiri secondary school, I had a strong burden from the Lord to go out and preach. I tried to resist but it was too much to the extent that one day I picked a small bible and headed for Queen Elizabeth hospital to share the word. When I arrived at Queens, I cried since I couldn’t preach but after that I felt relieved that I had done something,’’ he said.
‘’From that moment, I mobilized a group and we went to Thyolo where we organized our first crusade. I didn’t minister at the crusade but mighty things took place. The blind had their eyes opened, the deaf started to hear and the lame walked. When we came back, we decided to put our house in order and that’s when we started meeting,’’ he explained.

Realizing the need to see more of what was now a reality, Pastor Ziba embarked on a quest to seek the face of God to enable him preach the word not only with words but the demonstration of the spirit.
‘’ I prayed and fasted for over a month until God spoke to me audibly that he had put secrets and mysteries in my mouth. However, I was not satisfied to preach the word without seeing the power of God backing the word so I went back to seek the face of God. The Lord told me that the only way I could have what I wanted is to pay the price for it which I obliged,’’ he said.

‘’ The first time that I demonstrated the power of God was in 1996 when I preached at Soche mountain where we went to pray. Realizing that God had granted me the ability to demonstrate his power, I told my colleagues that they were about to see the power of God. When I preached for about 10 minutes on the corporate anointing, people fell down under the power of God and they stayed down for a couple of hours. That was the genesis of the move of the spirit in Fountain of victory,’’ he enthused.

True to his word, the ministry of Pastor Ziba is synonymous with the mighty move of the spirit and miracles are a norm wherever he goes out to preach. Asked on which miracle he can single out as his memorable, Pastor Ziba cited a couple of miracles which were remarkable.

‘’ I prayed for a woman in Tanzania who had no teeth. When the power of God touched her, the jaws were freezed and when she went home she discovered that she had new set of teeth. The whole church was astonished when they heard the testimony. I also raised a dead child in South Africa when I was invited to minister and God spoke to me about the miracle when I was about to go. The other miracle happened recently at our Regional conference in Nsanje where a dead child came back to life. Lastly, I will never forget a slimming miracle whereby a sister lost weight in the midst of a service during 4 days of signs, wonders and miracles,’’ he explained.

Quizzed on what he desires most in his life, Pastor Ziba reveals that he longs to see many lives coming to the kingdom of God and this is why he is on mission to bring revival not only in Malawi but the whole world. On a lighter note, Pastor Ziba disclosed that he likes sports and in his free time, he plays chess and table tennis besides interacting with people

Interviewed by Tamandani Mwalabu


  1. Great , Man of God I dreamt that you were praying for me

  2. Great , Man of God I dreamt that you were praying for me

  3. We thank God. He who calls people He honours them may you be honoured by He who called you in Jesus name

  4. Wow!!! What is impossible with man is possible with God. I have not only heard but have seen it with my own eyes..the word with power.

  5. God is great. If i may ask, the apostle said in his tesmony that he was told to pay a price for what he was asking, that is,the power to manifest wonders. What was this price?
